What is a Code-Through?

A code-through is a short tutorial where you explain how to do something in R. They are similar to explainer videos that you often see shared.

In the R world, these often take the format of package “vignettes”:

Code-throughs can come in many styles, sizes, and themes. Here are some examples to get you thinking:

Why Do a Code-Through?

It is very useful to learn how to explain the steps needed to successfully complete a task or replicate results. Within organizations they are very useful for training new hires, collaborating on projects, and creating internal knowledge banks.

Quickly skimming some examples above, what are the best elements to include in a tutorial to make it clear and accessible?

What Should We Explain?

For this assignment your code-through should be short and simple. It can be as short as two printed pages, or as long as you like.

You can focus your code-through on:

What Should I Include?

Create your code-through tutorial in an RMD document.

Include anything that you need to get your ideas across. You might consider:

RMD Format

This assignment provides an opportunity to explore some options to customize your R Markdown document. You can see some of the templates available here:

And some advice on ways to customize appearance:

You can also create a slideshow presentation if you like:

What to Submit?

Submit your RMD and knitted HTML file on Canvas.

Also post a link to your file on iCollege and explain your concept to your classmates.